Books I have read and enjoyed this month include: Everything,Everything;Eliza rose;Refugee boy and counting by 7s.
I have written a little on each one to give you a bit of back story on the book before you (hopefully!) read them and enjoy them as much as I did. (Don't worry, I haven't given anything away!)

The first one is a book called 'Everything Everything' by Nicola Yoon. This book is based on a girl, Maddy, who is allergic to the world. In fact, she hasn't left the house in 17 years! A boy moves in next door called Olly, and she falls in love with him without even meeting him, even though she doesn't want to because she knows it will end up badly. This book teaches you about courage and bending the rules to do what you have to do. It makes you think that anything is possible. It has a great ending and I read it in one sitting.(It is EXTREMELY gripping!) The descriptions are fantastic and your really imagine this story in your head. I would mainly recommend this book to 12-18 year olds, it fits in to the section of teen fiction.

The next one is a book called 'Elize Rose' by Lucy Worsley. This is based in tudor times and the main character is called Eliza Rose, the cousin of Katherine Howard. Eliza grows up with Katherine Howard and never knows whether to call her an enemy,threat or friend. After cancelling her marriage at 12, she is sent to a school where she soon grows more popular and is then sent to Henry V111 court with her cousin. Her family want to find her a rich husband but thats not her ideal ending. This book is gripping, thrilling and educating and it creates you to learn about what life was like in the tudor times. I would recommend this book to age 11+, it also fits in to Teen fiction.

The next is called 'Refugee boy' by Benjamin Zephanian. This book is based on a young boy who lives in Africa. His father is Ethiopian, and his mother is Eritrean. Both these parts of Africa are in a war and this means Alem, the young boy, does not belong anywhere. His father knows that Alem is in great danger so he is sent to London to try and find a new life. The refugee Council soon find out about him and send him to a home for refugees. Here he is also bullied and so soon enough he is sent to a Foster parent. But, unfortunately, the country deny access for Alem to live in England. Can Alem find a way to stay safe? This book is powerful and emotional, yet feel good with a great ending. You learn that all immigrants are people and they all have a different story to tell. I recommend this to age 12+, it also is a teen fiction book but I think most ages would love it.

I hope you enjoy reading all these books as much as I have. They are all very different and give and teach different messages. I have put the link under each book of the link for buying them online at Waterstones. (Just copy and paste it into your search bar) Enjoy!