Since I was little I have always loved reading, I think its a very important thing for people to do because it lets you see the world from the perspective of so many different people. If its from the time of war, future or very modern, you get to face the world from a different person with different problems.
I love all genres of books but I have to say, I have never really read horror books. Now, a few Authors have sent me some books of theirs which I am looking forward to reviewing and I think a few look quite creepy/scary. I have to be completely honest, I am not in to horror films so I'm not so sure I will be in to horror books. But, I think it is my duty to give them a try as a book blogger. So, if anyone has some suggestions of nail biting horror books (possibly with a happy ending?) please contact me!
At the moment, there are a few books which I can't wait to buy and read and to keep document of what I'm reading next and what I would like to read called my 'Book wishlist.' My favourite genre of books at the moment is probablly Romance, as I have loved 'Billy and Me' by Giovanna Fletcher, 'Everything Everything' by Nicola Yoon and 'Holding up the universe' by Jennifer Niven.
If any authors do send me books, I guarantee I will try them. If I read 50 pages and I know that it's not my thing, I can't promise I'll review it, (unless your desperate for me too!) So in advance if your desperate for a review good or bad, just let me know when you send it. But, I promise I will try to review every book that is sent to me but obviously sometimes I have a lot of books to read and I have school work, so sometimes I just want to read the books I want to read for pleasure. :)
Please always feel free to get in contact with me because of any reason. Whether its a question, recommendation or Business Enquiry.
I am a teenager who truly loves reading and I encourage everyone to get in to it, as its a vital part of life which I think makes you more knowledgable, kind, tolerant and you really make the most of the world more and you can deal with your problems, because you've read so much about other peoples.
I hope your having a nice week and enjoying a good book!
I would love it if you followed me on my social media accounts:
twitter: www.teenbook
instagram: ( I have JUST started my instagram for teen book so it doesn't have anything exiting on there....YET!:))