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critical book reviews

Cat Clarke
Jul 10, 20173 min read
Girlhood was a gripping and compelling read I picked up not knowing what to expect, but thinking it looked and sounded good. I was...

Patrice Lawrence
Jul 6, 20173 min read
OrangeBoy was a book which intrigued me and I had no idea what to expect. I read it quickly and it was a gripping book and it had a plot...

Emily Barr
Jul 3, 20173 min read
The one memory of Flora Banks-review
The one memory of Flora Banks was an exeptionally fast read for me and it kept me hooked the whole way through. It was a book I had heard...

Jodi Picoult
Jul 2, 20173 min read
Small great things-review
'Small great things' by Jodi Picoult was one of the most intersting and moving books I have ever read. It has so much meaning and and I...

Giovanna Fletcher
Jun 26, 20173 min read
Always with love- review
Always with love by Giovanna Fletcher was a sequel to Billy & me. Billy and me is one of my favourite books so I had high hopes for...

Will Hill
Jun 15, 20175 min read
After the fire- review
'After the fire was an unforgettable story based around a life that no one could ever imagine to be normal. I started reading without...

J.K Rowling
Jun 7, 20174 min read
Revisiting the Harry Potter series
I know pretty much everyone has read these amazing books, and I decided to revisit them. I am not going to review them in detail as they...

David Nichollls
Jun 1, 20174 min read
'One day'-review
'One day' by David Nicholls had a very clever plot and a structure which made it very special. It was a great story and kept me intrigued...

Emma Donoghue
Apr 23, 20173 min read
'Room'- review
This was an incredibly moving book based on a woman trapped in a tiny shed, with her five year old son, for seven years. It was a truly...

ML Stedman
Mar 23, 20174 min read
The light between oceans-review
This wonderfully told novel was a heart wrenching story that puts decision making into its biggest form. Tom and Izzy live in a...

Anthony Doerr
Feb 27, 20173 min read
'All the light we cannot see'- Review
This was a story about a blind french girl and a genius german boy, proving that kindness still exists in the times when you most...
Meredith Russo
Feb 12, 20172 min read
If i was your girl-review
'If i was your girl' by Meredith Russo had a subject that I'd never read about before. I had heard a lot of people talking about the book...

Maggie Harcourt
Jan 26, 20173 min read
When this book was sent to me I was immediately exited to read it, because not only the blurb, but the cover made the book look so...

Nicola Yoon
Jan 14, 20174 min read
The sun is also a a star- review
The next book I read this month was called 'The sun is also a star' by Nicola Yoon. I read 'everything everything' and absolutely loved...
Paige Toon
Jan 9, 20172 min read
The one we fell in love with-review
‘The one I fell in love with’ was a book I have been itching to read for a very long time. And, it definitely met up to my expectations....
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